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toolsFireplace tools designed by myself.exterior fireplaceExterior fireplace.  The home is a modern house with a lot of steel.  The client wanted something for the fireplace that was “softer”, but still modern.  I love the texture I came up with for these two fireplaces.  This is a good example of what can happen when I design at the forge.exterior fireplace detailExterior fireplace detail.inside fireplaceInterior fireplace.fireplace detailInterior fireplace detail.I’ve used the space behind the stove as a canvas for forged, pitted and plain pieces of steel. There is a variety of thicknesses and textures making this a very rich piece of art for the home. The client gave me full design license.  I worked out the design at the forge instead of on paper.  It’s my favorite way to work.Five more wayfinding kiosks were installed in Bellevue, WA.  This makes 9 total.